Book Review- Gone Girl & The American Heiress

Hi Friends,

So remember on my last Book Review post I said I had picked up Gone Girl and The American Heiress to read next? Well now I have! Here’s what I thought of the two:

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

It’s weird the way I feel about this book. I couldn’t put it down, so that makes it good right? But the way it ends, pretty much the last few pages, angers me! So that makes it bad right? Well I guess that’s the black and white of it all but as for the gray area, it’s an interesting read full of twists and turns. It plays out like a good movie, which is probably why they are making it into one. The story follows married couple Amy and Nick Dunne, two very detailed and intricate characters. They both narrate their own story and their respective voices help paint a clear picture of the type of people they are and the way they feel in the marriage. When Amy suddenly goes missing (she’s the Gone Girl), the story jumps back and forth between the husband and wife. It’s a case of whodunit…except its SO much more than that.

I do recommend the book even though it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. But such is life right? I’ll definitely keep my eye out for the movie.

The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin

I’m having trouble deciding whether this book was good, bad or just eh. I think we’ll go with just eh. After I had put it down for two months because I wasn’t into it, I picked it back up, started from the beginning again and, for whatever reason, it got more interesting after that.  The writing is wonderful in the sense that it gives you just enough details to allow you to visualize the scene without boring you. It follows the story of Cora Cash, a young girl from Newport, Rhode Island in the 1890’s the who has lots of, well, cash. Filthy rich Cora and her overbearing socialite mother travel to England in search of a husband for young Cora and wouldn’t you know it, she has a chance encounter with a man who turns out to be a duke. From here we begin to explore Cora’s relationship with the duke and the people constantly around them, of which there are plenty.  There is jealously, malice, intrigue, duty, love, affair and scandal all set in a castle in England. Sound familiar? It should if you watch Downton Abbey!  This could almost be the story of how Cora met Lord Grantham on DA. Even their names are the same.

As in Gone Girl, I wasn’t crazy about the ending. It was abrupt after a long build up. However, if you like stories of English royalty, dukes and duchesses and things, then this book is for you.

My next two books aren’t novels but instead self-help types books.

Write It Down: Make it Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It 


Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

Has anyone read any of these Self Help/Business books? I usually stick to novels for the escapism factor but these two were recommended so I thought I’d give them a try because, let’s face it, we could always use a little help expanding our minds.

Happy Reading Friends.

Book Reviews: Unbroken & Where We Belong

Hi Friends,

Since summer is wrapping up, I thought I’d review some books for you that I read during this season of longer days and Tv show hiatus. I always love getting book recommendations and reviews from other people so I thought I’d return the favor. I keep it short and sweet so there are no spoilers.

Here we go…


I can’t say enough about this book. It was beautifully written, heart wrenching to read at times and yet I couldn’t put it down. While calling it a story of resilience feels like an understatement, that’s exactly what it is. Resilience that comes from a level you didn’t think the human spirit could be tested.

For those that don’t know, this is the story of Louie Zamperini, the child of Italian immigrants, an adolescent troubler maker, an olympic athlete, and a World War 2 bombardier. His story is incredible at every turn and the title of the book is so fitting when you realize that after any tragedy there can be triumph. I highly recommend this book. It’s the type that stays with you, long after you’ve read the last page.

In a lighter,  more chick lit type category, we have Where We Belong.

You may be familiar with Emily Giffin’s work, especially Something Borrowed and Something Blue. I’ve read all her books but those two were my favorite and of course Something Borrowed was recently turned into a movie starring Kate Hudson.

This story follows Kirby, a high school senior from a modest, suburban family who feels different  from other kids and sometimes an outsider from her own family. While these are typical teenage feelings, Kirby is adopted, further convincing herself that her feelings of not belonging are valid. She sets out to find her birth parents believing that she will better understand herself if she knows where she came from.

The book was admittedly not my favorite and I thought it ended rather abruptly. While the story wasn’t boring and moved along rather quickly, it wasn’t necessarily a page turner. If you’re a fan of Giffins and looking for a quick, extension-of-summer-read, then it might be right for you.

I’m looking forward to my next two books that I just ordered off Amazon: Gone Girl and The American Heiress.

Anyone read any of these? Have any other recommendations for the next read? Please share!!

50 Shades of Fun

Just the first 2 words in the post title probably got your attention because unless you’ve been living under a rock (you can come out from under there now) you’ve heard of the book, of the phenomenon, that is 50 Shades of Grey. It’s been called mommy porn, erotic chick lit, porn fluffed up as novel, a marriage saver etc… Whatever you want to call it, the ladies have been flocking to it and author E L James is smiling all the way to the bank.

For you Rock people, here’s what it’s about: It’s your regular story of boy meets girl, girl and boy date, they start to fall in love and face ups and downs in their relationship. Few differences from the usual: The boy is filthy rich -makes $100k an HOUR- and looks like a modern-day Adonis. The girl is just a shy, inexperienced, girl-next-door-looking, clumsy, recent college grad who’s barely ever kissed a boy and happens to catch the eye of said Millionaire Adonis.  Oh and the boy wants to be her dominant lover and do all sorts of kinky things to her in his red room of pain. What? That doesn’t sound romantic? Ah well, to each their own.

There’s, of course, a lot more going on in the story including romance, suspense, mystery and drama but the story, and what you’re reading it for, is pretty much about the less-than-normal relationship between these two characters.

It’s hard to review this book for those that haven’t read it because its hard to appreciate it for more than what it is: a cheap thrill. Is the book going to win any Pulitzer prizes? No. Is it any sort of masterpiece? No. Is it entertaining and fun? Sure.

I happen to believe that the more “vanilla” you are (or have been, it may change after you read it), the more fun the book is because of the incredible fantasy element. Some parts are cheesy and so farfetched that they are downright eye roll worthy (which, if you’ve read the book, you know is ironic) and other parts are literally laugh out loud moments. I think everyone, conservative and open-minded alike, can get a kick out of it.

Most people love it, even if they love it for different reasons. Other people hate it, which I get. I will tell you this…if you’re looking for a book to discuss on girl’s night…this it it!

Between the texts going back and forth for the last few weeks and the Girls Night/Book Club meeting we had this are some of my favorite friend quotes. These are ALL actual texts sent or phrases spoken amongst a group of 7 girlfriends in reference to the book:

Friend: Date Night! (text inserted with a picture of Pleasure Emporium, a Miami sex shop)

Friend 1: I’m ready to start reading the book.  Friend 2: The question is, is your husband ready?

Friend 1: Wait till you read book 2. Still a ton of sex but action to go with it.  Friend 2: Great! Then I can say I am reading a novel instead of straight up porn!

Friend: I’m supposed to be taking care of my child but I can’t put this book down.

Friend:  I need to buy my husband a grey tie…

Friend: Does ANYONE know where I can buy those silver balls?! I can’t find them anywhere!

Friend: I’m with my children right now. Can’t talk sex with you.

Friend: Mommies gone wild just got a whole new meaning!

Friend: This book makes me very tingly in my lady parts.

Friend: Um, my mom is reading the book now. Things just got weird.


Have I mentioned how much I love my friends? Well I do. A lot. They’re hysterical.

Here are some 50 Shades fun courtesy (mostly) of Someecards:

Someecards makes my life better. True story.


Remember how I told you we had a girls night? Well it was complete with actual book talk (a first), sushi, wine, lots of gossip and dessert. What could have been a more appropriate dessert than….. silver balls!



And in case you were wondering, yes they were delicious! AND, no baking involved! You can get the recipe from my Pinterest Board.

If  you haven’t picked up 50 Shades by now, you really should. And make sure your girlfriends are reading it too, makes it so much more fun! It’s also fun to play Casting Director and pick the actors you’d want to play Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele in the movie. A big YES to Ian Somerhalder or Chris Hemsworth and a big NO to Dakota Fanning. Hear that Hollywood!?!

If you have read the book and haven’t seen the video of Ellen Degeneres attempting to read it.…you need to stop what you are doing and watch it. Good thing this post is over.

Laters Baby!

Ps. How PERFECT would the title 50 Shades of Gray have been for this post?! If only I had picked up the book earlier.